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Publikation: Dr. Łukasz Krzyżanowski

© Wydawnictwo Czarne

© Wydawnictwo Czarne

News vom 11.11.2016

Bereits im vergangenen Jahr publizierte Dr. Łukasz Krzyżanowski, Fellow der Abteilung Geschichte, seine Monographie „Dom, którego nie było. Powroty ocalałych do powojennego miasta“ zu Holocaust-Überlebenden, die in die Stadt Radom zurückkehren. Łukasz Krzyżanowski äußert sich zur Publikation:

“The book tells the story of Holocaust survivors’ return to the city of Radom (Central Poland) in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Using all available sources pertaining to one particular location, I pursue an in-depth study of the everyday life of survivors, their interactions with the state and non-Jewish co-citizens, as well as Jewish individual and collective agency as manifested in attempts to recover property and rebuild the community. A profound study of these issues is possible only thorough a micro-historical lens. However, the sweeping implications of such inquiry go far beyond the local context. The book was published in Polish in 2016 by Wydawnictwo Czarne in their historical series which in the past featured such authors as Christopher Browning, Wendy Lower, Frank Dikötter and Sheila Fitzpatrick. Together with Prof. Madeline G. Levine (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) I am currently working on the American edition of the book.”

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