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Workshop Logistics of Protest Camps Berlin March 2024

We are organizing a workshop on protest camp organization and logistics on 14./15. March 2024 at Free University Berlin. 

The backstage of protest camps: conceptualizing infrastructure, logistics, and organization of popular uprisings

Workshop, March 14-15, 2024 at Free University Berlin, more information here
The analysis of the organizational setup, the logistics, and the overall infrastructure of protest camps to meet the needs of protest participants is crucial in order to explain different protest out comes and to assess important and fundamental questions about the course, the legitimacy, and the impact of popular uprisings. However, due to the conceptual and methodological difficulties in analyzing the backstage of protest camps, especially in non-democratic settings, we have remarkably little systematic data about these facilities. For our workshop we invite theoretical, conceptual and empirical contributions focusing on the backstage of protest camps in different regions either from a comparative perspective or in-depth case studies. The workshop will focus on the infrastructure and logistics of protest camps, both in democratic and autocratic settings. A group of selected papers from the workshop will be published in a special issue.


Anna Fruhstorfer, Head Research Group & Principal Investigator, ERC Starting Grant LOOPS, Free University Berlin & WZB Berlin, anna.fruhstorfer@fu-berlin.de

Rebecca Kittel, Postdoctoral Researcher, ERC Starting Grant LOOPS, Free University Berlin & WZB Berlin, rebecca.kittel@fu-berlin.de