Prof. Dr. Sabine Kropp

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Freie Universität Berlin
Room 205a
14195 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Sabine Kropp wrote her dissertation on decentralization processes in the Russian multilevel system during the transformation phase as part of a VW project she carried out using the example of local and regional budget policy. She recently led a Metro Foundation-funded project that examined patterns of governance based on a case study design with more than 100 guided interviews, participant observation and document analysis at the regional level. Special attention was paid to the role of NGOs and companies in governance networks. She was also a member of an international research network funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2013-2016) and examined governance networks in Russian regions and different policy areas. Her main areas of work include the topics of comparative federalism and parliamentary research as well as administrative-political issues, which refers to both western democracies and post-socialist systems.
For further information see here.
Edited books and special issues (*peer reviewed)
*Behnke, Nathalie and Sabine Kropp (eds). 2018. Ten years of federalism reform in Germany. Dynamics and effects of institutional development. London, New York: Routledge, 184pp. (reprint of Regional and Federal Studies 2016).
*Kropp, Sabine, Aadne Aasland, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Johannes Schuhmann (eds). 2018. Governance in Russian Regions. A Policy Comparison. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 249pp.
*Behnke, Nathalie and Sabine Kropp (eds). 2016. Ten years of federalism reform in Germany. Special Issue of Regional and Federal Studies, 26 (5).
*Fraenkel-Haeberle, Cristina, Sabine Kropp, Francesco Palermo and Karl-Peter Sommermann (eds). 2015. Citizen Participation in Multi-level Democracies. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 376pp.
Geißler, René, Felix Knüpling, Sabine Kropp und Joachim Wieland (eds.). 2015. Das Teilen beherrschen. Analysen zur Reform des Finanzausgleichs 2019. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 357 pp. (Making Fiscal Equalization Work. The fiscal equalization scheme reform of 2019).
Journal articles (*with peer review) and book chapters (*in books with peer review), last three years
*Kropp, Sabine. 2018. The Ambivalence of Federalism and Democracy: The Challenging Case of Authoritarianism, in: Nathalie Behnke, Jörg Broschek and Jared Sonnicksen (eds), Multilevel Governance: Configurations, Dynamics, Consequences, Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan forthcoming.
*Mrowczynski, Rafael, Sabine Kropp and Katharina Bluhm. 2018. Staatskapazität und Verwaltungsreformen in hybriden und autoritären Regimen – am Beispiel der Steuerverwaltung in postsowjetischen Ländern (State capacity and administrative reforms in hybrid and authoritarian regimes – with a focus on tax administrations in Post-Soviet countries). Politische Vierteljahresschrift 59 (3), accepted.
*Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Sabine Kropp. 2018. The Russian state as network manager – theoretical considerations, in: Kropp, Sabine, Aadne Aasland, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Johannes Schuhmann (eds): Governance in Russian Regions. A Policy Comparison. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 7-42.
*Kropp, Sabine and Johannes Schuhmann. 2018. Imitation and enforced cooperation: state and civil society in ethnic conflict management, in: Kropp, Sabine, Aadne Aasland, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Johannes Schuhmann (eds): Governance in Russian Regions. A Policy Comparison. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 155-188.
*Schuhmann, Johannes and Sabine Kropp. 2018. Environmental impact assessment: between facilitating public contribution and arbitrary involvement of NGOs, in: Kropp, Sabine, Aadne Aasland, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Johannes Schuhmann (eds): Governance in Russian Regions. A Policy Comparison. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 73-104.
*Kropp, Sabine and Aadne Aasland. 2018. Patterns of governance in Russia – feedback of empirical findings into governance theory, in: Kropp, Sabine, Aadne Aasland, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Johannes Schuhmann (eds): Governance in Russian Regions. A Policy Comparison. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 219-245.
*Kropp, Sabine. 2018. Preface, in: Kropp, Sabine, Aadne Aasland, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Johannes Schuhmann (eds): Governance in Russian Regions. A Policy Comparison. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-6.
Schuhmann, Johannes, Katharina Bluhm i Sabine Kropp. 2018. Osobennosti razvitija korporativnoj otvetstvennost' v Rossijskoj Federacii, in: Krylov, Alexander (ed.): Evropejskaja biznes-ėtika. Nastal'naja kniga. Moskva: Ikar, in print.
Kropp, Sabine und Johannes Schuhmann. 2017. Governance in russischen Regionen: Netzwerke unter den Bedingungen autoritärer Staatlichkeit. Ein Forschungsbericht (Governance in Russian Regions: networks under the conditions of authoritarian statehood. A research report), in: Jahrbuch des Europäischen Zentrums für Föderalismusforschung 2017. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 146-157.
Kropp, Sabine. 2017. Strukturelle Dominanz der CDU, begrenzte Möglichkeiten der SPD. Koalitionsoptionen vor den Bundestagswahlen 2017. Neue Gesellschaft/ Frankfurter Hefte 9, 38-42.
*Behnke, Nathalie and Sabine Kropp. 2016. Arraying institutional layers in federalism reform. Lessons from the German case, in: Nathalie Behnke and Sabine Kropp (eds). Ten years of federalism reform in Germany. Regional and Federal Studies 26 (5), 585-602.
*Kropp, Sabine and Nathalie Behnke. 2016. Marble cake dreaming of layer cake. The merits and pitfalls of disentanglement in German federalism reform, in: Nathalie Behnke and Sabine Kropp (eds.). Ten years of federalism reform in Germany. Regional and Federal Studies 26 (5), 667-686.
*Kropp, Sabine and Johannes Schuhmann. 2016. Governance Networks and Vertical Power in Russia – Environmental Impact Assessments and Collaboration between State and Non-State Actors. East European Politics, 32 (2), 170-191.
*Kropp, Sabine und Aron Buzogány (2016): Europäisierung informaler Regierungskontrolle. Informationsgewinnung im deutschen, schwedischen und ungarischen Parlament. Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Gewaltenteilung und Europäische Union, hrsg. von Miriam Hartlapp und Claudia Wiesner), 215-230.
*Kropp, Sabine. 2015. Federalism, People’s Legislation, and Associative Democracy. In Citizen Participation in Multi-Level Democracies, eds. Cristina Fraenkel-Haeberle, Sabine Kropp, Francesco Palermo and Karl-Peter Sommermann. Amsterdam: Brill Nijhoff, 48-66.
Kropp, Sabine. 2015. Federalism and subnational parliaments – a delicate relationship, in: Gabriele Abels and Annegret Eppler (eds): Subnational parliaments in an EU multi-level parliamentary system: taking stock of the Post-Lisbon Era, Innsbruck, 91-126.
Kropp, Sabine und Roland Sturm. 2015. Reformperspektiven des föderalen Finanzausgleichs unter den Bedingungen der Politikverflechtung (Reform perspectives on the fiscal equalization scheme), in: René Geißler, Felix Knüpling, Sabine Kropp und Joachim Wieland (eds.): Das Teilen beherrschen. Analysen zur Reform des Finanzausgleichs 2019, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 95-122.