Polina Khubbeeva

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Freie Universität Berlin
Ihnestr. 21
Room 108
14195 Berlin
Room 108
14195 Berlin
Polina Khubbeeva is currently completing her Master’s studies at the Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. She also completed her Bachelor’s Degree here. Before she started working for the GOVRUS-Project, she supported the Central Council of Jews in Germany in the jewish-muslim dialogue-project SCHALOM ALEIKUM. In 2018, she completed an internship at the German Embassy of Baku, Azerbaijan. In 2016, she spent an ERASMUS-Semester at Tallinn University in Estonia. In addition to her studies, she works voluntarily as a Mentor at the institute and as a workshop-trainer for the humanitarian aid organisation Transaidency e.V.