The effects on food systems and the environment of Russia’s war against Ukraine (research network meeting, 27-28.09.23; OEI FU Berlin, Garystr. 55)
News from Sep 18, 2023
The Institute of East-European Studies hosts a network meeting with experts from academia, media and NGOs on "The Impact of Russia's War on Ukraine on Food Systems and the Environment" (WEFE). A limited number of places are available for external guests working on the agro-ecological impact of the war.
The organizing team consists of: Mariia Fatulaeva (U. Bern), Mihai Varga (FU Berlin), Alexander Vorbrugg (U. Bern), Jiayi Zhou (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Confirmed network participants: Angelina Davydova (journalist, Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Group), Robert Kindler (FU Berlin), Kateryna Polianska (ICO Environment-People-Law, Ukraine), Maria Tysiachniouk (U. of Eastern Finland)
Network Meeting
The Impact of Russia's War on Ukraine on Food Systems and the Environment (WEFE Network)
27./28. September 2023, Freie Universität Berlin
Room/Hörsaal A, Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin
All sessions are hybrid, all times are CET.
Please email Mihai Varga for the zoom link,
Wednesday, 27.09. (13:30-18:30)
13:30 - 13:45
Welcome, meeting outline, and organisational/technical details
Network mapping and getting to know each other
Very brief self introduction (without pptx). Main questions: Who are you, what are you currently working on, what are WEFE-relevant issues that deserve our attention, what do you expect from the WEFE network? Are you part of other networks, initiatives, projects with relevant overlaps of potential synergies with WEFE?
Coffee break
15:00- 16:20
Environmental harm, ecopolitics, activism
Brief inputs on ongoing research
Group discussion: How can this research inform the work of WEFE as a network. How can the network support this research? How can this research contribute to policy, activism, or public discourse via public outreach? How could it be developed further (potentially also with regard to a more ambitious grant)?
Land use, food production and agricultural systems
Brief inputs on ongoing research
Group discussion: How can this research inform the work of WEFE as a network. How can the network support this research? How can this research contribute to policy, activism, or public discourse via public outreach? How could it be developed further (potentially also concerning a more ambitious grant)?
Thursday, 28.09. (09:00 - 12:30)
Networks and collaborations II
Brief introductions of the Ukrainian Environmental Humanities Network, EPL, WEFE/UWEC
Group discussion: How to work and collaborate within and across domains of policy, outreach, and research.
Presentation of Network Map from Day 1. Reflection on where we see WEFE in these networks
Toward sustainable solutions?
Which concrete contributions could WEFE make to addressing problems discussed? What kinds of contributions? Do we see our role more in producing transferable knowledge that should directly inform policy and public discourses? Or is there a need for a critique of current “mainstream” discourses and policies, their omissions, and formulating alternatives?
Steps ahead with WEFE
Recap: Where do we stand after the meeting? Future: How do we want to collaborate in future? What are WEFE’s main aims and goals, in the shorter and mid run? How do we want to collaborate with other initiatives, do we aspire to expand? Do we need/want our own “publicity” e.g. a website, and who’d be responsible?