Dr. Roman Smirnov

Research Associate
Einstein Stiftung Fellow
Room 214
14195 Berlin
Roman Smirnov is an Einstein Fund Fellow and postdoctoral researcher in sociology at the Institute for Eastern European Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. He studied sociology at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (BA) and Saratov Chernyshevsky State University (MA) and holds a PhD from the University of Graz (Austria). His research focuses on social and professional mobility of doctoral students and young scholars and social processes and changes inside academical community.
Topics: Young Population's Social Mobility, Trajectories of Professional Mobility of Postgraduate Students, Comparison of Social Mobility of Doctoral Students in Austria, Germany and Russia, War Related Social Processes Inside Academia
Vollstänige Publikationsliste finden Sie hier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5618-7172
(a) Authored monographs
1. Smirnov, R. (2020). Institutionelle Determinanten sozialer Mobilität: Vergleich sozialer Mobilität der DoktorandInnen in Österreich und Russland: Disseration, pp. 156.
(b) Chapters in refereed collective volumes and edited books
1. Smirnov, R. (2017). “The 1917 Revolution: Generational Memory and Unconsciousness”. Orlov M. (Ed.) Russia in 1917: Institutional Resource, Social Risks and Civilizational Collapse. Saratov. Nauka. Pp. 775-790.
(c) Refereed articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals
1. Smirnov, R. (2022). Influence of the Parental Family on the Trajectories of Professional Mobility of Postgraduate Students. Higher Education in Russia. №12.
2. Smirnov, R., Smirnova, T. (2022). Female caregivers for elderly relatives in Russia: social barriers and stereotypes. Culture e Studi del Sociale. №7(1).
3. Smirnov, R. (2021). Indices of post-graduate students’ social mobility. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. №9.
4. Smirnov, R., Smirnova, T. (2020). Institutional Elderly Care: Obstacles to Acceptance (the Case of Private Boarding Houses). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. №4.
5. Smirnov, R. (2020). Attitude and evaluation by the Moscow city youth of the system of medical institutions (on the example of clinics). Vestnik Universiteta. №5.
6. Smirnov, R. (2020). Everyday practices and declarative: contradictory relationship of young people to alcohol. Vestnik Universiteta. №4.
7. Smirnov, R. (2020). Operationalization of the “Online Generation” phenomenon. Digital Sociology. №4.
8. Smirnov, R. (2017). Young Population's Social Mobility in Regional Labor Market. Tempus Et Memoria. №4.
9. Smirnov, R. (2016). Integration of University Graduates in The Context of the Regional Labor Market (on the Example of Saratov). News from Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economics. Politics. №4.
(d) Unrefereed professional articles and publications
1. Smirnova, T., Smirnov, R. (2022). Female caregivers for elderly relatives in Russia: social barriers and stereotypes. 11th European Feminist Research Conference «Social Change in a Feminist Perspective: Situating Gender Research in Times of Political Contention». The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation. University of Milano-Bicocca.
2. Smirnov, R. (2021). Gender Study in the Digital Age and Pandemic Era: sensitive Theme with and without face-to-face interaction. Third International Conference Research Methods in the Digital Society: Areas and Practices
3. Smirnov, R. (2021). Social Mobility of Young Scientists in the Pandemic- and Post-Pandemic-Era. Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures. 15th ESA Conference