Reference Letters
In general, a reference is only issued for students that completed at least one course of the chair of Economics of the OEI. The issue takes about four weeks for highly competitive programs (such as Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung, DAAD, direct exchange programs) and about two weeks for other programs. Moreover, we require the following information to examine your academic suitability:
- What program are you applying for (announcement, information on the institution, your motivation)?
- Which are criteria by the institution / for the scholarship?
- When is the application deadline?
- What are the guidelines for the reference regarding language, content and length? Is there a special form?
- Moreover, we need your CV and a transcript of records. The CV should include all relevant information such as Education, Internships, Professional Experience and Social Commitment
Please be aware, that after examining your academic suitability, it could be the case that we cannot fulfill your request for a reference letter.