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Call for applications: Student assistant job in Economics Department

News from Jul 06, 2018

Student Assistant (41 hours per month)

Limited to 2 years



The chair of Economics at the Institute for East European Studies focuses on comparative and historic economic research of East Europe, Russia and Eurasia. Our research areas are political economy, development economics and economic history. The main interest of our chair is the analysis of the historic and contemporary perspective of the Russian economy. Furthermore, we want to deepen the international network of the chair and the Institute for East European Studies in Russia, East Europe and Eurasia.

Field of activity

Support of the professor and the scientific staff in research and teaching with teaching materials; assistance in preparation of applications for third-party funding; data acquisition and data preparation; literature research; website maintenance; administrative tasks


Students of Economics (BSc), Economics (MSc), Public Economics (MSc) and East European Studies (MA) with two completed semesters. Very good academic performance and sufficient knowledge of microeconomics and econometrics. Interest for the economic history of East Europe and development economics. Written and spoken English, possibly Russian or another Eurasian language. Very good computer skills (Stata, R, Excel, Word, internet, web design). Independent working and being proactive.

You can get further information from Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis (theocharis.grigoriadis@fu-berlin.de / 838-57037).

Deadline: July 9th, 2018

Please send your application with informative documents indicating the identification (“OEI.Wirtschaft-Stud.HK-2018”) as a PDF file electronically to Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis: theocharis.grigoriadis@fu-berlin.de or per post to:

Freie Universität Berlin
Zentralinstitut Osteuropa-Institut
Abt. Wirtschaft, Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis
Herrn Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis
Garystr. 55
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)


When submitting the online application, you confirm that your data will be processed electronically and stored.

We need to inform you that by sending your application electronically we cannot guarantee the safety of your data.


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Link to the website of the Department of Economics
Research Focus Area Studies
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