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Research Assistant / Postdoc (SCRIPTS)



News vom 02.08.2022

Deadline: 22.08.2022


Job description:
- empirical research for the SCRIPTS research project
- working on joint research publications
- join cluster activities
- support by organization of workshops and events within the framework of the project


The successful candidate is supposed to achieve the following goals within the project: by the end of the first year – assembling an original database of texts for the analysis of state-sponsored narratives in Russia and in China (text corpus); by the end of the second year – preparation and implementation of an original survey; by the end of the third year – preparation of two working papers based on the analysis of data collected within the framework of the project (possibly co-authored).

The Postdoc will join the project on "Reinterpreting the alternative script? War in Ukraine, state-sponsored narratives of block building in authoritarian countries and their public perception" led by Prof. Genia Kostka (Institute for China Studies) and Prof. Alexander Libman (Institute for East European Studies) and funded by the excellence cluster SCRIPTS. The position provides an opportunity for both independent and collaborative research within an ambitious project while working in a small research team in Berlin. The goal of the research project is to investigate the state-sponsored narratives of economic block building emerging in conjunction with the war in Ukraine in China and in Russia. Based on the analysis of the official rhetoric, webscraping and analysis of social networks in Russia and in China, as well as analysis of search profiles in Chinese and Russian search engines and (if possible) public opinion surveys in both countries, we expect to identify the nature of the official narratives, as well as how these narratives are (re)interpreted by the general public in both countries.

Further information can be found here.

Applications should be sent by e-mail, together with significant documents indicating the reference code, in PDF format (preferably as one document) to Herrn Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman: sek-politik@fu-berlin.de.


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