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Guest Researcher from Ukraine at the Chair of Political Science

Mariya Puriy

Mariya Puriy

News vom 10.01.2018

During December 2017 the Chair of Political Science at the Institute of East Europaen Studies welcomed a guest researcher from Ukraine: Mariya Puriy, PhD. Her stay was connected with the annual workshop for Global Politics in Lwiw (http://www.seasonal-schools.org/current-seasonal-schools/ukraine-school/index.html ), where she participated in May 2017. The aim of the workshop is to create intellectual exchange and discussion between young researcher mainly from Ukraine and Germany but also from other neighboring countries like Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Russia and even more distant countries as Mongolia and Myanmar. The Workshop has been a great success in the previous years and it seems therefore consequent to further strengthen the cooperation and support the discussion about teaching and studying International Relations by visits at the respective partner universities. Mrs Puriy was the first scholar to visit the Institute of Eastern European Studies within the framework of this program, but more scholarships have already been granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), who is funding the project, for 2018. During her stay Mrs. Puriy have a lecture on her current research about the situation of Ukraine between Russia and the European Union and got a closer look at the different ongoing projects at the Institute, especially in the field of international academic exchange and cooperation.

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