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CGP: neuer Blog "Global Matters"

News vom 27.01.2014

New blog: Experts comment on hot topics in Global Politics

The Center for Global Politics (CGP) at Free University Berlin launched a new blog with the title “Global Matters: Bits and thoughts on world politics” (www.global-matters.org). The concept is quite simple: every two weeks the CGP posts a question related to an important topic in current affairs – and presents short but profound comments from distinguished International Relations experts and practitioners from all over the world. The public is invited to start from here and to carry the discussion further.

“We live in an ever more complex world that is undergoing profound changes. Global issues – or matters – like climate change, weakly regulated capital flows, the proliferation of weapons, irregular migration flows, and growing sectarian violence are becoming ever more important. That is why we think that global perspectives matter,” says CGP director Klaus Segbers.

He and his colleagues at the Center for Global Politics have observed a growing demand for narratives and orientation on world politics. “Global Matters is an attempt to offer this orientation and to encourage informed debates about how global issues should or could be analyzed and addressed,” Segbers continues.

In its first two post, the CGP experts commented on the main challenges for Global Politics in 2014 and the emerging conflicts in the China Sea. This week, the CGP asked, whether politicians, sportspeople and from all over the world should use the upcoming Olympics in Sochi to stand up against homophobia publicly?

Segbers stresses that the blog does not want to add to the daily information overload. “That is why our experts will post just short comments on relevant questions of the day. The public is invited to join and to move the discussion on.”

For more information on the blog visit: www.global-matters.org

Press contact: Sebastian Meyer, Phone +49 (0)178 1853782, Fax +49 (0)30 838 53616, seb.meyer@fu-berlin.de, www.global-politics.org

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