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Farewell statement of Professor Segbers / Closure of the Center for Global Politics

Prof. Dr. Klaus Segbers

Prof. Dr. Klaus Segbers

News vom 08.10.2019

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Students, Sponsors and Partners,

By this message I have to inform you that both the activities around my chair for political sciences, as well as those of the Center for Global Politics, will be closed as of October 1, 2019.

It was (mostly) a pleasure being responsible for these two dimensions of activities, plus some advisory roles and functions in different administrations.

I want to thank those who assisted and helped us, were cooperative and friendly, and contributed useful insights by their criticism and suggestion. Those who didn’t care about our work, or were skeptical, I want to say that I understand: There are probably other relevant things on the globe than explaining variable-based research designs, and organizing seasonal schools in Istanbul, Tehran, Athens, Damascus and Amman, Phnom Penh and Hanoi, Shanghai and Canton, Lviv, Moscow and Yangon.

Those who did not yet collect earned certificates, please contact Cosima Glahn (cosima.glahn@fu-berlin.de). People still enrolled in the blended learning master programs of the Center for Global Politics, please contact Sabine Pag, sabine.pag@fu-berlin.de. In all other relevant cases, you may reach me under the established e-mail address.

Be well,

Klaus Segbers
Professor for Political Sciences
(former) Director of the Center for Global Politics

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