Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Projects
Since 2011, two Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (AvH) projects have been conducted in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andrey Makarychev from the University of Tartu.
Russian Security Discourses: Explaining the variety of Approaches
This project has been funded from June 2011 to August 2013. The project was aimed at analyzing Russia’s discourses on Europe from various research perspectives, including critical discourse analysis, security studies and cultural studies. The research was mainly focused on unpacking the conflictual logic of EU-Russia relations, as well interaction and communication between them in the common neighborhood. Specific cases included Russia-German relations, as well as political and cultural discourses in three countries whose identities are the most sensitive to the fluctuations of EU-Russia conflicts - Estonia, Ukraine and Georgia.
Among the main outcomes of this project are two books:
Andrey Makarychev. "Russia and the EU in a Multipolar World: Discourses, Identities, Norms. Stutgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2014, with a foreword by Klaus Segbers. World-Discourses- Post-Soviet/dp/3838205294
Book reviews:
Andrey Makarychev, Alexandra Yatsyk. Celebrating Borderlands in a Wider Europe: Nations and Identities in Ukraine, Georgia and Estonia. Nomos, 2016.
Book review:
Other publications related to this project include:
Russia and Germany in the Space of European Communications. Edited by Andrey Makaryhev and Andrey Deviatkov. Tiumen University Press, 2013 (in Russian).
Andrey Makarychev. Soft Power in German – Russian Relations. WeltTrends N 89, Marz/April 2013.
Andrey Makarychev. Norms vs. Interests, Agents vs. Structures: The Case of Russian – German Relationship in a Wider Europe. In Die Kooperation zwischen der EU und Russland. Edited by Jochen Franzke, Bogdan Koszel and Andrey Kinyakin. Potsdamer Textbucher PTB 19, 2013.
Andrey Makarychev. Russia – EU: Competing logics of region building. In Economization versus Power Ambitions: Rethinking Russia’s Policy towards post-Soviet States. Edited by Stefan Meister. Nomos, 2013.
Andrey Makarychev. Hard Questions about Soft Power. Berlin: DGAP, October 2011.