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X-Student Research Group: Online Communication and the Organisation of Protest Camps

News vom 08.04.2024

Rebecca Kittel receives a teaching grant for her research seminar "Online Communication and the Organisation of Protest Camps" by the Berlin University Alliance.

This X-Student Research Group will conduct a case study of a protest camp using Telegram data and is directly linked to the ERC-Project LOOPS (The Logistics of Popular Uprisings in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes). The project is directed towards master’s students who have an interest in Computational Social Science Methods. This includes students from Political Science, Sociology, or any related fields as well as students from Computer Science who share an interest in the Social Sciences. Students will discuss protest camp research in authoritarian regimes with a focus on online communication. We will discuss new concepts and approaches to the organization of protest camps. The course teaches students (i) state-of-the-art literature on protest camps; (ii) how to collect data using web-based methods; (iii) how to analyze huge datasets through computational methods; (iv) basic coding skills in R and/or Python; and (v) how to present research output to a wider audience. 



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