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New publications in American Political Science Review, Cambridge University Press and GWU Central Asia Program

News from Apr 01, 2021

A new paper by Tomila Lankina (LSE) and Alexander Libman entitled ‘The two-pronged middle class: the old bourgeoisie, new state-engineered middle class and democratic development’ was accepted for publication by American Political Science Review. The abstract and the pre-print version of the paper can be found here: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/109008/

A book by Alexander Libman and Anastassia Obydenkova (IBEI Barcelona) entitled ‘Historical Legacies of Communism: Modern Politics, Society and Economic Development’ was recently published by Cambridge University Press. A short summary of the book can be found here: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/historical-legacies-of-communism/BC5DFB8DE72ADD3719B3A408F131C187

Another book by Alexander Libman and Evgeny Vinokurov (EDB and EFSD) on ‘One Eurasia or Many? Regional Interconnections and Connectivity Projects on the Eurasian Continent’ was published as an Ebook by the George Washington University Central Asia Program. The full text of the book can be downloaded here: https://www.centralasiaprogram.org/archives/19362

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