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Stud. Employee in (m/f/d) 41 MoStd. temporary for 2 years Identifier: SHK/Politik/OEI/2023

SHK Politik

SHK Politik

Bewerbungsende: 14.08.2023

News from Jul 26, 2023

For the Department of Politics at the Institute for Eastern European Studies/Professorship of Political Science with a focus on Eastern Europe at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, we are looking for a student assistant to support research and teaching.

Research and teaching in the Department of Politics cover the whole range of political processes and institutions in Eastern Europe and post-Soviet Eurasia (with a special focus on Russia). Our main focus is on comparative authoritarianism.


  • Supporting research work within the professorship;
  • Scientific data management and analysis;
  • Scientific literature research and procurement;
  • Support in the preparation and implementation of courses;
  • Blackboard assistance


  • Basic knowledge of quantitative empirical social research;
  • Knowledge of how to use at least one common statistical programme (R, SPSS, STATA);
  • Good knowledge of English;
  • Good knowledge of Russian (sufficient for reading press articles and for researching statistical data in Russian-language sources);

Further information

Applications should be sent electronically by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman: sek-politik@oei.fu-berlin.de or by post to the

Freie Universität Berlin
Zentralinstitut Osteuropa-Institut
Herrn Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman
Garystr. 55
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

By submitting an online application, you as an applicant give your consent for your data to be electronically processed and stored.
We would like to point out that if your application is sent electronically without protection, Freie Universität Berlin cannot guarantee the security of the personal data transmitted.

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