Victoria Lomasko: "Risovannye istorii v Rossii" (dt. "Gezeichnete Geschichten in Russland")
Öffentlicher Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Graphisches Erzählen – Graphic Novel aus Mittel- und Osteuropa"
Moderation: Irine Beridze (FU/OEI)
Sprache: Englisch
Über die Künstlerin:
Victoria Lomasko is a Russian contemporary artist, who is based in Moscow. She holds a degree in Graphic Arts from Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Describing her work as accurate, rather than political, Lomasko’s practice explores contemporary Russian society, especially the inner workings of the country’s diverse subcultures, such as LGBT activists, migrant workers, sex workers, prisoners, and so on. Her book Other Russias, that was published in six countries by n+1 in The USA and by Penguin in The UK for example, is a collection of 'graphic reportages', a self-described style of art making and record keeping. During the past few years, mural making has become a central facet of her practice.
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Zeit & Ort
15.02.2021 | 12:15
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