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Collaborative Research with UK-based Researchers in the Post-Brexit Environment: Opportunities, Challenges and Frameworks

11.06.2024 | 10:00 - 17:00

11 June 2024

Freie Universität Berlin

Peter Szondi Institute for Comparative Literature

Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Room JK 28/208


Co-organised by Galina Miazhevich (Cardiff), Susanne Strätling (FU Berlin), and Vlad Strukov (Leeds)


With support from the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies and Freie Universität Berlin


Session 1 10.00-11.00



A brief (5 min) input from all the participants on their current research and potential future research


Session 2 11.00-12.30

British and European funding landscape: opportunities, schemes and challenges


Galina Miazhevich (Cardiff University) Addressing the framework of possible cooperation: BASEES and its (Digital) Media and Culture studies research group.


Vlad Strukov (Leeds University) Sharing experience of collaborative research and funding applications (AHRC-Germany scheme)


Lunch 12.30-13.30


Session 3 13.30-14.30

Group work on identifying topics for future collaborative initiatives and events



Feedback session (moderated by Susanne Strätling (FU Berlin)



Even more informal discussions in a bar somewhere…

If you are interested in attending, please, register with Aksana Döge: Kultur@oei.fu-berlin.de