Abteilung - Soziologie
News vom 28.09.2015
- Bluhm, Katharina (2017) Zur Genese des neuen russischen Konservatismus, In: Russland-Analysen, Nr. 330, 17.2.2017.
- Glathe, Julia (2017) Russia’s response to football hooliganism, ZOiS Spotlight 15/2017.
(voraussichtlich im September 2017) Integration durch Mentoring. Jugendliche am Übergang von Schule in Ausbildung und Studium. Weinheim und Basel, Beltz Juventa.
Stypińska, J. & Gordo, L.R. (2017) Gender, age and migration: an intersectional approach to inequalities in the labour market. European Journal of Ageing.
- (voraussichtlich Herbst 2017) Turkish Industrial Relations at the Crossroads: Revisiting the History of Industrial Relations in the Early Post-War II Period, Journal of International Labour and Working Class History
- Varga, Mihai (2017) Cash rather than contract: The re-emergence of traditional agrifood chains in post-communist Europe. Journal of Rural Studies 53, 58-67.