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  • Susanne Strätling: Der graphische Pakt. Autorschaftskonflikte in Schreibgemeinschaften. In: Kollektive Autor:innenschaft – digital/analog. Hg. von Michael Gamper, Anna Luhn. Nina Tolksdorf und Paul Wolff. Heidelberg 2024, S. 77-107.
  • Susanne Strätling: Energieangst/Energielust. Zur Psychoenergetik der Moderne. In: Die dritte Natur, Nr. 6, Heft 1, 2023, S. 43-58.
  • Clemens Günther: Documentary Aesthetics in the Long 1960s in Eastern Europe and Beyond. Leiden/Boston 2023. (hg. gem. mit Matthias Schwatz)
  • Clemens Günther: Die überwältigende Katastrophe. Wahrnehmungskonstellationen destruktiver Naturereignisse im europäischen Realismus, Special Issue der Zeitschrift Literatur für Leser:innen 3 (2021). (hg. gem. mit. Laura Isengard)
  • Clemens Günther: Die Verflüssigung des Realismus. Narrative Konfigurationen von Mühle und Moderne bei Dmitrij Mamin-Sibirjak und Aleksandr Serafimovič, in: Poetica 54 (2023), S. 320–339.
  • Clemens Günther: Von der Entgrenzung zur Entfremdung. Die Karakum in der spätsowjetischen Musik, in: Ritter, Rüdiger (Hg.):  Musik und ihre gesellschaftliche Bedeutung in den staats- und postsozialistischen Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas seit 1945. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 2023, S. 321–342.


  • Alexander Libman: The Role of Historical Legacies in the Process of Decentralization in Russia: Compliant Activism in the Context of the Crises of the 2020s. Forthcoming in Territory, Politics, Governance (with Anastassia Obydenkova) (full text here)
  • Alexander Libman: Communist Legacy, Anti-Regime Sentiments, and Modernization Theory: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Forthcoming in Communist and Post-Communist Studies (with Olga Vasilyeva) (full text here)
  • Alexander Libman: Eurasian Continuities: Historical Legacies in the Post-Communist World - Ideologies, Practices or Social Construction? Forthcoming in Communist and Post-Communist Studies (with Anastassia Obydenkova) (full text here)
  • Alexander Libman: State Violence and Target Group Adaptation: Maintaining Social Status in the Face of Repressions in Soviet Russia. Forthcoming in Journal of Peace Research (with Tomila Lankina and Katerina Tertytchnaya) (full text here)
  • Alexander Libman: EAEU and Sanctions, forthcoming in: Libman, A., and E. Vinokurov (eds.): Elgar Companion to the Eurasian Economic Union. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (full text here)
  • Alexander Libman: Lobbying in Russia, in: Polk, A., and K. Mause (eds.) Political Economy of Lobbying: Channels of Influence and their Regulation. Heidelberg: Springer, 2024 (full text here)
  • Alexander Libman: Will the Strategy of Isolating Russia Ever Work? Russia.post, January 2024 (full text here)
  • Alexander Libman: Russia and Hamas? Narrating Contestations of the Liberal Script in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East. SCRIPTS Blog No. 69, November 2023 (full text here)


Katharina Bluhm: Russland und der Westen. Ideologie, Ökonomie und Politik seit dem Ende der Sowjetunion. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz 2023. Link

Katharina Bluhm, S. Kropp (eds.): Symposium “Asymmetrical resource exchange. Business, state and social welfare provision in Russian regions”East European Politics 39 (1), 2023.

Katharina Bluhm, S. Klimovich, U. Pape: „Formal contracting and state–business relations in Russia. A case study from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.“ East European Politics 39 (1), 2023 S. 57–79. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/21599165.2022.2155948.

Katharina Bluhm, S. Kropp: „Introduction to the symposium “Asymmetrical resource exchange. Business, state and social welfare provision in Russian regions”. East European Politics 39 (1), 2023, S. 1–14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/21599165.2023.2183498.

Volodymyr Ishchenko: Towards the Abyss: Ukraine from Maidan to War. London/NY 2024.

Volodymyr Ishchenko: Class or regional cleavage? The Russian invasion and Ukraine’s ‘East/West’ divide. In European Societies: https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2023.2275589.

Volodymyr Ishchenko: “The Russian Invasion and the Left in Ukraine.” LuXemburg 2023: https://zeitschrift-luxemburg.de/artikel/the-russian-invasion-and-the-left-in-ukraine/

Volodymyr Ishchenko, Ilya Matveev, Oleg Zhuravlev: “Russian Military Keynesianism: Who Benefits from the War in Ukraine?” PONARS Eurasia policy memo 865 (2023): https://www.ponarseurasia.org/russian-military-keynesianism-who-benefits-from-the-war-in-ukraine/

Mihai Varga: All the Roads to Market: The Soviet Union, China and the World Bank’s Narrative of Capitalism. Europe-Asia Studies76 (1), 2024, S. 92-107.

Mihai Varga: The Russian Far Right. A Changing Landscape of Spaces of Hate. In: Kondor, K., & Littler, M. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Far-right Extremism in Europe, London & New York 2024: Routledge. S. 39-51.

Fabio Parasecoli & Mihai Varga: War in the Ukrainian fields: The weaponization of international wheat trade. economic sociology. perspectives and conversations24(2), 2023, S. 4-12.


Ákos Dombi, Theocharis N. Grigoriadis, and Junbing Zhu: "Antiquity, capitalism & development: The finance-growth perspective." Emerging Markets Review (2024): 101113.

Imran Qaiser and Theocharis Grigoriadis: "History, Diversity & Development: Evidence from Afghan Provinces.” Applied Economics (2024). Accepted for Publication.