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Colloquium: Dr. Maria Shklyaruk „Der Ablauf des Strafverfahrens in Russland im Fokus rechtssoziologischer Forschung“

Workshop| Berlin | 10.05.2016 | 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr | Freie Universität Berlin - Osteuropa-Institut

( (c) Kittisak; Quelle: FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

( (c) Kittisak; Quelle: FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

Dr. Maria Shklyaruk (European University St. Petersburg) referiert im Rahmen des Master- und Forschungskolloquiums 

Dr. Maria Shklyaruk studierte Rechtwissenschaften an der St. Petersburger Staatlichen Universität und an der Universität Hamburg. Zurzeit forscht sie als EURIAS Fellow zum Thema "Russia: The Rule of Law in Question"

Projektauszug: "The Organizational Context of Criminal Procedure in Germany and Russia: from the Crime to the Sentence"

Eugen Ehrlich has described the difference between what the law prescribes and the empirical reality of law enforcement. Since then, the mechanism of transforming laws into everyday practices has been studied in detail, but many questions still remain. The primary research question of the project lies between law and sociology: how do the provisions of laws that regulate key moments of criminal prosecution transform under the influence of the organizational structures of criminal justice (from police to courts) and how do they reflect interactions between criminal procedure participants?

The "criminal case" is constructed from a chain of actors' actions in relation to the supposed crime from the moment the information about the crime appears on the radar of the police to the moment the court delivers a verdict. The global academic trend is to investigate the problem of prosecutorial discretion, i.e., the transfer of the primary locus of decision-making from the litigation to the pre-litigation stage. The aim of the project is to determine the key factors responsible for significant differences in the process of filtering criminal allegations and suspects, i.e., which cases to take to court and why, in the otherwise similar legal systems of Russia and Germany.

In order to assess the role and relative contributions of filters envisaged by formal (law) and informal factors (interaction with existing system), I will use the analysis of publications/reports on the work of police and prosecutors in Germany in combination with field work, e.g. nonparticipant observation of the work of German courts. I will describe the "criminal case trajectory" in Germany's law and everyday practices of criminal justice by using traditional comparative-legal methods, as well as sociological methods ("thick description" and sociological reconstruction created on the basis of nonparticipant observation).

(Quelle: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)

Alle InteressentInnen sind herzlich zu den Vorträgen eingeladen. In zweiwöchigem Rhythmus zwischen den Veranstaltungen finden Tutorien bei Frau Prof. Dr. Bluhm statt.

Zeitpunkt und Ort:

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016  |  18:00 - 20:00

Freie Universität Berlin
Osteuropa-Institut, Seminarraum 323
Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin

Weitere Informationen zum Master- und Forschungscolloquium Sommersemester 2016 finden Sie hier.


  • Law, Russia, Germany, Research