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Successful completion of the OEI International Autumn School "Populism in Europe"

The event took place from the 3rd to the 8th of September. Students from the University of Helsinki, the University of Tartu and Freie Universität Berlin participated and enjoyed the program.

News vom 11.09.2018

What can be understood under the term “populism”? What are the concepts core elements? What is the difference between “populism” and other concepts, like “conservatism”? How are populist actors influencing the media and how do they use (social) media channels? And how can current developments in Eastern European countries (like Poland, Hungary, the Baltic states, Ukraine and also Russia) be explained?

These questions and others have been discussed during the one week long International Autumn School at the Institute for East European Studies. The event took place from the 3rd of September to the 8th of September. Students from the University of Helsinki, the University of Tartu and Freie Universität Berlin participated and enjoyed a program encompassing various learning formats, such as lectures, group work, panel discussions and presentations.

The next International Autumn School will be organized by the University of Tartu and will take place in autumn 2019.

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