Preliminary program of the Digital Workshop "Varieties of Populism in East and West"
News vom 31.03.2021
Preliminary program and format
Workshop Opening: Prof. Dr. Katharina Bluhm, Prof. Dr. Andrei Yakovlev
Keynote Lecture
Populism - from hype to polarization
Dr. Emilia Palonen
Senior Lecturer in Political Science, University of Helsinki
Group Work – part 1
This part takes place in group meetings in separate virtual Rooms. Each participant, depending on the content of his/her application, is assigned to one of the following groups:
- The state, elites, and authoritarian survival (Chairs: Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman FUB, Prof. Dr. Andrei Yakovlev HSE)
- Business, entrepreneurship, and populism (Chairs: Prof. Dr. Katharina Bluhm FUB, Prof. Dr. Alexander Chepurenko HSE)
- Modern populism and the media (Chairs: Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz Uni Bremen, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Muehl-Benninghaus HSE)
- Migration, social movements, and populism (Chairs: Dr. Mihai Varga FUB, Assistant Prof. Dr. Ekim Arbatli HSE)
Tasks: Short presentations (up to 3 minutes) of one-pagers by the participants. Questions and discussion. Search for less researched topics. Finding intersections between ideas and individual projects. Discussion of the prospects and willingness of participants to enter collaboration in the preparation of articles, applications for joint grants, joint workshops, and conferences. Formation of prospective task teams.
Group Work – part 2
This part takes place in small team meetings (formed earlier in part 1) in separate virtual rooms.
Tasks: Discussion of the envisaged joint activities. Filling in basic information about the project (in Google Docs). Preparing a short statement for presentation.
Final discussion. Statements by chairs for all participants and discussion of next steps with the implementation of the proposed projects.
Please, find the information about the workshop and our call for contributions here.
If you have further questions, please contact the organizers of the event at and visit