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Abteilung - Volkswirtschaft

Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis


  • Religion & Comparative Development: The Genesis of Democracy & Dictatorship, Series: New Thinking in Political Economy, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire & Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar, accepted.


  • With Samuel Jung. “Persistence of Confucian Values? Legacies of Colonization in China & Taiwan”, under review. 
  • With Jannik Jaeger. “Soft Budget Constraints, European Central Banking & the Financial Crisis”, under review.

  • With Corinna Breyel. “Foreign Agents? Natural Resources & the Political Economy of Civil Society”, under review.

  • With Akos Dombi. “Ancestry, Diversity & Finance: Evidence from Transition Economies”, under review.

Refereed Articles

  • With Zareh Asatryan, Thushyanthan Baskaran & Friedrich Heinemann. “Direct Democracy & Local Public Finances under Cooperative Federalism”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, accepted.
  • “Religious Origins of Democracy & Dictatorship”, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 38, No. 5 (September-October 2016): 785-809.
  • With Friedrich Heinemann. “Origins of Reform Resistance & the Southern European Regime”, Empirica, Vol. 43, No. 4 (November 2016): 661-691.

Abteilung - Soziologie

Prof. Katharina Bluhm

  • Bluhm, K. (2016): Machtgedanken. Ideologische Schlüsselkonzepte der neuen russischen Konservativen. In: Mittelweg 36, Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung 25(6), 56-75.
  • Bluhm, H. & Bluhm, K. (2016): „Bürokratischer Kältetod“ – Max Webers sozialwissenschaftliche Diagnose und sein anti-progressistischer Dekadenzglaube. In: Lehnert, Detlef (Hg.): Max Weber 1864-1920. Politik - Theorie - Weggefährten. Köln: Böhlau Verlag GmbH & Cie (Historische Demokratieforschung. Schriften der Hugo-Preuss-Stiftung und der Paul-Löbe-Stiftung, 10), 217-246.
  • Bluhm, K. (2016): Modernisierung, Geopolitik und die neuen russischen Konservativen. In: Leviathan, Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften 44(1), 36-64.

Dr. Mihai Varga

Dr. Jochen Töpfer

  • Töpfer, J. (2017): Jerusalem – Berlin – Sarajevo. Eine religionssoziologische Einordnung Amin Al-Husseinis. Berlin (im Erscheinen)
  • Töpfer, J. (2017): Stabilität ohne Demokratie? Wahlen in den Ländern des Westbalkans 2016. In: SWP-Aktuell 06/2017 (im Erscheinen)
  • Töpfer, J. (2016): Constitutional Politics in Macedonia. In: Fruhstorfer, A. / Hein, M. (eds.): Constitutional Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: From Post-Socialist Transition to the Reform of Political Systems. Wiesbaden
  • Töpfer, J. (2016): Constitutional Politics in Slovenia 1990-2014. In: Fruhstorfer, A. / Hein, M. (eds.): Constitutional Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: From Post-Socialist Transition to the Reform of Political Systems. Wiesbaden

Dr. Justyna Stypińska

  • Stypińska, J. & Turek, K. (2017): Hard and soft age discrimination – an inquiry into the sociological and legal aspects of workplace discrimination. In: European Journal of Ageing.

Dr. Didem Özkiziltan

  • Özkiziltan, D. (2017): Turkish Industrial relations at crossroads: Revisiting the industrial relations history of modern Turkey in the early post-war period (in process of peer-review with the Journal of International Labor and Working-Class History since November 2016).