News vom 10.04.2024
- Alexander Libman: The Role of Historical Legacies in the Process of Decentralization in Russia: Compliant Activism in the Context of the Crises of the 2020s. Forthcoming in Territory, Politics, Governance (with Anastassia Obydenkova) (full text here)
- Alexander Libman: Communist Legacy, Anti-Regime Sentiments, and Modernization Theory: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Forthcoming in Communist and Post-Communist Studies (with Olga Vasilyeva) (full text here)
- Alexander Libman: Eurasian Continuities: Historical Legacies in the Post-Communist World - Ideologies, Practices or Social Construction? Forthcoming in Communist and Post-Communist Studies (with Anastassia Obydenkova) (full text here)
- Alexander Libman: State Violence and Target Group Adaptation: Maintaining Social Status in the Face of Repressions in Soviet Russia. Forthcoming in Journal of Peace Research (with Tomila Lankina and Katerina Tertytchnaya) (full text here)
- Alexander Libman: EAEU and Sanctions, forthcoming in: Libman, A., and E. Vinokurov (eds.): Elgar Companion to the Eurasian Economic Union. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (full text here)
- Alexander Libman: Lobbying in Russia, in: Polk, A., and K. Mause (eds.) Political Economy of Lobbying: Channels of Influence and their Regulation. Heidelberg: Springer, 2024 (full text here)
- Alexander Libman: Will the Strategy of Isolating Russia Ever Work? Russia.post, January 2024 (full text here)
- Alexander Libman: Russia and Hamas? Narrating Contestations of the Liberal Script in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East. SCRIPTS Blog No. 69, November 2023 (full text here)