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Deadline extended: Call for Papers "What to do?"



News from May 25, 2022

Application deadline extended to June 30

Info English

Info German

The student conference of the Institute for Eastern European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin from 7th  - 9th of October 2022 aims to facilitate an exchange between students from different disciplines and thus broaden the current view on Eastern Europe by the perspectives of young academics.

All contributions from Social Sciences and Humanities with a thematic reference to Eastern Europe are welcome – from Slavic Studies, Sociology and History to Economics and Law. These can be final theses or term papers. Entire panel applications are also welcome. The presentation should last about 15 minutes, followed by a ten-minute discussion with the audience. The languages of presentation are German and English. We are aiming to publish conference proceedings. We are also looking forward to further programme proposals, like the presentation of practical projects or artistic contributions!

The conference is planned to be held in presence. If you need any help organising travel and accommodation, we will be happy to assist you.


We ask all interested students to apply by 30.06.22 via studitagung.oei2022@gmail.com with a presentation title and a half-page abstract. We can also be reached at this email for questions and further programme suggestions.


Further details can be found here (in German).

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