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We are looking for team assistance (m/f/d) with 1/2 part-time employment



unlimited, pay group 8 TV-L FU

Identifier: Sekr_OEI

Application deadline: 13.03.2023

News from Feb 21, 2023


- Communication in German and English
- Managing the Institute's secretariat: independent handling of communication, administrative and organizational tasks (including budget, ordering and accounting, financial planning, appointment management, personnel processing, preparation and organization of business trips)
- Preparation and follow-up of committee meetings
- Event and congress preparation

Recruitment requirements:

-very good knowledge of German and English, both written and spoken
-completed training as an administrative assistant or completed training in another administrative profession or comparable skills

(Professional) experience:

several years of professional experience is an advantage


- versatile experience in managing and organizing a secretariat
- Independent, structured, reliable and committed way of working, even with a large workload
- communication and organizational skills
- experience in using modern communication tools, e.g. MS-Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Knowledge of administrative procedures, preferably in the university sector
- Willingness and ability to quickly learn how to use the systems of Freie Universität Berlin as well as new rules and regulations
- High degree of ability to achieve good work results even under time pressure, willingness to perform and flexibility

Further Information

Applications should be submitted electronically by e-mail to Prof. Katharina Bluhm at: nataliya.butrimova@fu-berlin.de or by mail to

Free University of Berlin
Central Institute for Eastern Europe
Mrs. Prof. Katharina Bluhm
Garystr. 55
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

By submitting an online application, you as an applicant give your consent to the electronic processing and storage of your data.

We would like to point out that Freie Universität Berlin cannot guarantee the security of transmitted personal data if your application is sent electronically without protection. 

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