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Succeeding our Studi-Conference "What to do?": The "What Remains?" Conference at the University of Mainz

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CfP "Was bleibt"

News from Mar 21, 2023

Call for Papers: What Remains? Memory in Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Student Conference on Eastern European Studies from 22-23.09.23 @JGU Mainz

Holodomor in Ukraine, the Armenian Genocide, the Yugoslav Wars of Disintegration, Holocaust and Stalinist terror in the Soviet Union - the confrontation with (one's own) past shapes societies and identities, finds its way into literature, art and everyday culture, into education and research. More than 30 years after Fukuyama's "End of History" and against the background of fundamental transformation processes in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the question arises: How do we remember and what is transported into the present? What remains?

The interdisciplinary student conference of the departments of Slavic Studies and East European History of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz would like to facilitate an exchange between students of different disciplines from September 22-23, 2023 and thus broaden the current view on Eastern and Southeastern Europe with a junior scholarly perspective.

Contributions (15 minutes) from bachelor's, master's, and beginning doctoral students in literature, cultural studies, and social sciences are welcome. We invite all interested parties to apply by May 31, 2023 at studitagung.oe2023@uni-mainz.de with a presentation title, an abstract of approximately 300 words, and a short biography.

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