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Start-up financing of research projects: Two work contracts

Start-up financing of research projects

Start-up financing of research projects

News from Jun 12, 2023

The OEI provides two work contracts to financially support a post-doctoral research project with a focus on (South) Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia.

Applicants can be postdoctoral scholars from all social sciences and humanities fields who have submitted their PhD. The goal is to provide seed money to develop an own research proposal. Welcomed are projects that strengthen or add to the existing research profile of the OEI. 

The contract starts September 1st, 2023. Fellows will receive a work contract (Werkvertrag) in the overall amount of 7.500 €, calculated for a stay at the institute for three months. The East European Institutes and the Freie University provide access to office space and university services. 

Please submit your applications (short cover letter, cv, list of publications, project idea (approx. 1,5 pages – in German or English), and your dissertation by e-mail as one PDF file to Natalya Butrimova, sek-politik@oei.fu-berlin.de). Scholars can apply before the defense of her/his PhD.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send all required documents as a PDF file to Natalya Butrimova (sek-politik@oei.fu-berlin.de).

Please note that the closing date for applications is 14 July 2023.

We look forward to your participation and are eager to receive your proposals!

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