Online presentation of the project "Intersectional discrimination of refugee Rom*nja from Ukraine in Hungary" from our project seminar
Projekt "Intersektionale Diskriminierung von geflüchteten Rom*nja aus der Ukraine in Ungarn"
Image Credit: Ukrainisch- Ungarische Grenze. Urheber/in: Mietje Kuhnhardt.
We cordially invite you to the online event presenting the project "Intersectional Discrimination of Refugee Rom*nja from Ukraine in Hungary", one of the projects of our students from this year's project seminar.
In the face of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, thousands of people have fled their home country, including over 100,000 Rom*nja. The project highlights the challenges Rom*nja refugees face - from flight and discrimination to lack of recognition as protection seekers.
The research trip, initiated by Freie Universität Berlin and Weiterdenken - Heinrich Böll Foundation Saxony in April 2023, is the starting point for in-depth field research in Budapest and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. There, discussions were held with refugees as well as civil society organisations, and care facilities on the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, especially in Tiszabecs, were also visited. The research trip included expert and narrative interviews with Romni refugees, in which their experiences of flight and current living conditions were discussed.
The event will present the results of this research trip, followed by a presentation by representatives of local and international NGOs such as RomaVersitas, Border-Monitoring and the Romney Voice Romani Women's Association. These experts will provide insights into the current situation of discrimination against Roma refugees from Ukraine in Hungary.
Date: 21 September 2023, 17:30 - 19:30
Language: English
This event is a cooperation between Weiterdenken - Heinrich Böll Foundation Saxony, the Bildungswerk Berlin of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin and the Country Office Hungary of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Prague.
Further details on registration and the programme can be found here:
Time & Location
Sep 21, 2023 | 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM