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Go East Scholarship and Direct Exchange Programmes

The Institute for East European Studies runs several direct exchange programmes with partner universities in Eastern Europe, offering students a chance to spend one or two semesters abroad and gain intercultural experience.


Advantages of the direct exchange programme

  • Preferential admission at the partner university
  • (Partial) tuition fee waiver
  • Some partner universities offer an additional scholarship for living expenses
  • Supervision of direct exchange students before and during their stay by both the home university and the host university abroad



Students interested in the direct exchange will find information on the requirements, application deadlines and documents on the central student mobility website.


DAAD Go East University Scholarship

Every year, the Institute for East European Studies awards several DAAD Go East university scholarships to students interested in a direct exchange programme in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan. This scholarship includes a monthly stipend, a country-specific travel allowance and a scholarship for language courses.

Interested students must apply both for a direct exchange (at the central student mobility programme) and for a DAAD Go East university scholarship (at the Institute for East European Studies). The application deadline for the DAAD Go East university scholarship is 15 January. Please note additional calls for applications.